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Changing the Idea of My Essay

I know that I am an emotional person. I know that most of my writing has something to do with my feelings or my experiences, but I think that is good for me. I think it helps me stay interested in my projects, and maybe some of what I say can be relatable to my readers. So for this new project, I was not sure on how to change my essay. The project asked me to change at least 50% of my essay about desegregation in Virginia's schools. I immediately knew that I wanted the essay to be more about how desegregation in Virginia schools, effects us today, but I was not sure on how to do that. In the original essay, I tried to talk about hidden racism. Maybe I will post it to explain more on what I mean, but I was trying so hard to relate the issues with desegregation to today's world, I am not really sure if it even worked well.

Two nights ago I found some more social media messages from my dead best friend. Let me explain! In 2016 my best friend died in a motorcycle accident. Every picture and text that I got from him I saved, so when I logged into SnapChat I was surprised to have messages from him. He told me he was going to pick me up after his job interview, and oddly enough, this gave me a new idea for this essay. I want to talk about how segregation is still in effect today, just in other ways. When we were out together, we got a lot of odd looks. So much so, that we refrained from hanging out in public for a few months. He was from Iraq, and he came to America when he was in the 10th grade. I can't believe he helped me with my writer's block, it is so like him.

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